Native window with transparent body appears black instead of transparent

Issue Description:
native window with css property: body{ background: transparent } appears black instead of transparent

Steps to reproduce:

  1. set window property: “native_window”: true
  2. set body{ background: transparent }
    result background = black

works fine:

  1. set window property: “native_window”: false
  2. set body{ background: transparent }

Impact for my app:

@uzi You can’t change the design of OW native windows.
You can change some of the settings in the manifest (transparent or not), or you can define if you want to enable the transparency slider or not, but you can’t change the display of a native window with CSS.

My window is set as “transparent” in the manifest, but still appears with a black background.
This is the manifest declaration

		"CollectionWindow": {
			"file": "Files/collection.html",
			"transparent": true,
			"resizable": true,
			"show_in_taskbar": true,
			"size": { "width": 1170, "height": 720 },
			"min_size": { "width": 1170, "height": 720 },
			"block_top_window_navigation": true,
			"popup_blocker": true,
			"mute": true,
			"native_window": true,
			"desktop_only": true,
			"use_os_windowing": true

Edit: same behavior if I remove the “use_os_windowing”